Sunday, December 1, 2019

What's up with KoC?

What is unfolding as the greatest season since the Islanders cup era has been amazing to watch as a fan. So many topics and subjects that raced through my mind each week. From the streak to the players, its been a treasure trove of excitement.

Unfortunately, I haven't written since the season preview. Each time something else broke or the Isles smashed another record, I formulated portions of my next article in my head, but I never wrote it.

For those of you who know me, you've been following my struggles helping my Father fight against his losing battle with Alzheimer's and Dementia. You may know something of his 7 successful bouts of cancer he has gotten through and the immense struggle the role of caretaker has taken on our family. Finding and hiring home health aides in Putnam County New York seems to be an impossible climb year in and year out. Reliability and compassion are a dying commodity. My wife and I haven't been able to live our own lives in 6+ years due to his care, and we have been grateful for every day we have been able to do so. He means that much to us.

After a bout of weakness, he went to the E.R. and then to rehab. We intended to monitor him for a week or so and bring him back after he was stronger, then manage his care from home. I kept his home-based care notified and juggled his insurance, agency and medical care while we got transport ready. He was set to come home on a Wednesday, and his primary aid quit on that Monday after telling me everything was good. Dad remains in the rehab facility, confused and anxious to come home, and my stomach turns as I struggle to find replacement aids, speak with his insurance, and consider our options.

I have missed weeks at a time in the past due to family obligations, and as a solitary, uncredentialled blogger, it's not something I could ever help. I have a career in marketing and a lot to see too at home. Like so many others, time for me is a fantasy. I squeeze in a visit with buddies here and there, a Troop with the 501st now and then or manage a few hours to shop or watch T.V. with my wife when possible.

This year, my wife was hit with an illness that has local and specialized medical professionals in NYC's top hospitals confused. She's been trying to fight through it, but it eventually caused her to focus on her own well being over everything else. That's included missing months of work and fighting through disabling pain and discomfort every day. It's taken its toll on me as well. Watching her endure this has been and continues to be crushing. Her current courage in the face of this unknown illness is inspirational. Dad's understanding in his fleeting moments of clarity has been another humbling experience in this journey. I hate not being able to change our situation but I'm relentless in our fight.

The future of 'Knight of Cups' remains very important to me. I love this team and enjoy my interactions and friendships built with other Isles fans through games or social media. I'm not sure when I will get back to writing in the near future. I may just do an article here and there when I can master my anxiety and caregiver stress. What I wanted to say was don't ever think my absence from a place I've built over the last eight years is easy or isn't something I take seriously.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me since day one, joined somewhere along the journey, or met me at a store or out of my car at a traffic light (what's up Ryan) trying to forge my way through the New York Islanders blogosphere. Let's enjoy the season together and keep cheering our guys on. I may be at the Coliseum with the 501st legion for Star Wars night on December 14th and still hope to make a game or two this season. I'll look for you guys in the parking lot. =)

See you soon. Keep bleeding, Orange, and Blue.

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